What Type of Rv Best Suits You?


RV Class Personality Survey

Here are 10 questions that will help you to understand your personality when it comes to RV class.

There are no right or wrong answers. Only your preferences matter.

If you intend to do some significant traveling then you will want to have an RV that meshes properly with your personality, abilities, and desires.

Welcome to your RV Class Personality Quiz

1. You are on the road. Which phrase below best describes you?

2. How would you define your storgae needs. Pick the answer that best describes your needs.

3. You are at one of the cool destination on your RV road  trip. You now want to take some day trips to see the local sites. Which phrase below best applies to you?

4. You love to think about a new RV that is the perfect RV for you. Which phrase below best describes what you imagine?

5. Your level of comfort with driving larger vehicles is important. Which phrase best describes you?

6. Costs and expenses are important. Which phrase best describes you?

7. You get to your campsite. Now what?

8. A good night's sleep is important. Select the answer below that describes how much room you need.

9. What are your camping habits? Pick the phrase that describes you the best.

10. A day of traveling involves: